Friday, December 6, 2013

Boost Your Immunity with Probiotics

Since your gut contains hundreds (if not thousands) of different types of bacteria, it’s best to find a probiotic that contains a wide variety of bacterial strains. Most probiotics will include the 2 major strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum. 
These two strains are important because different bacteria adhere to different areas of the digestive and intestinal tract.
For instance, lactobacilli bacteria have an affinity for the upper GI tract, namely the alkaline medium in the small intestine. Bifidobacteria tend to favour the slightly more acidic environment of the large intestine. Thus, it’s important to get the best of both of these bacteria and numerous species and strains that they encompass.
Normal, healthy colonies of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria can help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microflora. Many probiotics may disintegrate prematurely when exposed to stomach acid so they never reach the lower intestine. I have found Shaklee's  Optiflora has a state-of-the-art, triple encapsulated, seamless capsule that is guaranteed to withstand the acidic environment of the stomach to deliver live beneficial bacteria to the intestine.

You can find Optiflora Probiotic on my site:

For further reading on this topic see the below article:


The body's immune booster and regulator

By Brooke Holmgren

The body is an amazing thing; every system, organ, muscle, bone, and cell functions to sustain life. No one system is more valuable than the other; all need to function at ideal capacity for overall optimum health. If one system is compromised, others may begin to falter; it’s a chain reaction within your body. One of these vital components of the human body is the gut.
As you may know, the human digestive tract is filled with bacteria. In fact, the whole human body contains more individual bacterium than actual human cells. Most of the bacteria in the digestive tract are beneficial and promote a symbiotic relationship within the body. The exception to the rule is foreign, illness-causing bacteria. Essentially, gut microflora (bacteria) is what allows the digestive system to function as it does. Among its many tasks, these live microorganisms aid in fermenting (and utilizing) carbohydrates, aid the body in absorbing nutrients from food, and boost immunity within the body.
Where to Find Them
Probiotics aren’t as elusive as they sound; they’re attainable in fermented foods such as yogurt, soy yogurt, pickled vegetables, kefir, buttermilk, tempeh, miso soup, and even sauerkraut. Since these foods make up only a small portion of the average person’s diet, supplements have taken center stage as a means to boost the number of probiotic bacteria within the gut.
You may ask yourself why humans need to ingest probiotics if they already exist within our intestinal tract. The body does not make probiotics on its own; they must be consumed through diet. However, a modern diet consisting of heavily processed, preserved, and nutrient-deficient foods does not provide plentiful probiotics for consumption. In addition, antibiotics, frequently prescribed for common ailments, and pesticide-laden GMOs, are notoriously known to kill probiotics and create an imbalance of bacteria in the gut.
What Probiotics Are
Probiotics are bacteria present in the intestinal tract that are defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.” This is a broad definition, but in terms of probiotics, there are a wide variety of “good” bacteria to include in your diet.
Different Types
Probiotics is an umbrella term that covers several strains. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the two principal genuses of probiotic bacteria. Lactobacilli reside in the small intestine, while bifidobactiria are active in the colon. Probiotics are identified by genus, species, and strain. Here are some common probiotic species and strains (of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus) that may be found in food or supplements and what their role is within your gut:
Most probiotic strains belong to the genus Lactobacillus. Probiotics have been evaluated in research studies in animals and humans with respect to antibiotic-associated diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is possible that, in the future, probiotics will be used for different gastrointestinal diseases, or as delivery systems for vaccines.
>> L. acidophilus CL1285 (a strain of Lactobacillus) is used in the production of yogurt—it’s one of the “live and active cultures” you may see printed on the side of the yogurt container. Its purpose in yogurt is to decrease pH of the milk used to create yogurt. Since L. acidophilus can survive pH levels of four to five or below, it can pass through the acidic environment of the stomach into the small intestine and work its magic in keeping intestines clean and boosting the immune system.
>> L. reuteri DSM 17938 is often used as a dietary supplement as it boosts the immune system and simultaneously attacks foreign pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract.
>> L. rhamnosus GG is also used in the production of yogurt and some other dairy products. It inhibits pathogen growth in the urogenital tract, inhibits diarrhea from the rotavirus, and oddly enough, has been shown to reduce anxiety in lab mice.
>> Lactobacillus casei produces a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme known as amylase, which is essentially the beginning process of digestion for all foods. Without amylase, food could literally pass right through you.
>> Bifidobacterium lactis is known to prevent diarrhea, reduce colon inflammation, and provide relief from constipation.
>> Bifidobacterium animalis shortens colonic transit time, that is, how long it takes for a meal to be digested and eliminated by the body through a bowel movement. Bifidobacterium animalis also plays a role in processing B-complex vitamins.
Health Benefits
Probiotics tout numerous health benefits—even for a relatively healthy individual or a person in excellent health, probiotics maintain health. Yet the use of probiotics for those who suffer from various ailments is becoming more widely recognized as more research is done.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a painful condition caused by inflammatory changes in the colon and intestines. It has been noted that people with IBD have a different composition of gut microflora than healthy individuals; they lack the probiotics bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Individuals who are lactose intolerant may drink sweet acidophilus milk (also made from L. acidophilus) as it allows the stomach to easily digest the enzymes present in dairy. L. acidophilus has also been shown to boost the immune system by increasing cytokine, phagocytic activity, and antibody production. Another important aspect of L. acidophilus is that it is present in normal vaginal flora. There are various causes for an alteration in vaginal flora such as antibiotics, other medications, stress, or even chemicals from laundry detergent that lead to a proliferation of Candida albicans (more commonly known as a yeast infection).
According to a 2011 study published by the Public Library of ScienceL. ccasei DN-144 001 improves symptoms of colitis by strengthening the gut barrier function. This is also true of L. ccasei DN-144 001 for cases of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.
Probiotics and calcium work together—probiotics boost calcium absorption, and calcium aids the effectiveness of probiotics. You may see why yogurt is an ideal food for probiotic delivery. In addition to increasing bioavailability of minerals, probiotics break down fats from food (known as lipolysis) and convert lactose to lactic acid.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

How Much Vitamin D?-Watch This Video Clip


Seven Super Brain Supplements

A brain-healthy, Alzheimer’s-fighting diet has properties that extend far beyond just decreasing your daily carb load. To truly provide your body  with  brain-boosting nutrients and vitamins that help stave off brain disease and other illnesses, you should consider a regular regimen of supplements. These seven supplements will go a long way towards helping you with prevention:
  1. DHA: An omega-3 fatty acid that represents more than 50% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain. Numerous studies link high levels of DHA with a decreased risk for dementia, Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases (view some of these studies here on my site). Look to take in about 1,000mgs/day.
  2. Resveratrol: If you like that red wine is permissible in the Grain Brain lifestyle, then you can thank this natural compound which slows down the aging process, boosts blood flow to the brain, and promotes heart health. In addition to the role it plays in stimulating brain function, resveratrol is also a key ally of our body’s immune system. Target 100 mg twice daily.
  3. Turmeric: If you follow me on social media (FacebookTwitter), then you’ve heard me talk about turmeric before. Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. We can thank turmeric protecting our mitochondria (thanks to its role in stimulating antioxidant properties), but it also improves glucose metabolism —both of which are essential for reducing one’s risk for brain disease. Try to get 350 mg twice daily.
  4. Probiotics: Research conducted in just the last few years has started to conclude that eating food rich in probiotics can influence brain behavior, and may modulate the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. In Grain Brain, I dive deeper into the relationship between probiotics and brain health, and sow today’s researchers are further exploring the role gut bacteria may play in maladies ranging from chronic pain to autism. Ideally, get your probiotics through a supplement that contains at least 10 billion active cultures format least ten different strains, including lactobaccilus acidophilus and bifidobacterium.
  5. Coconut Oil: If you follow this blog, you know I am a big fan of coconut oil and probably know why it’s an important part of our diet. It’s even a part of my anti-Alzheimer’s trio! Go for at least 2 teaspoons of an organic variety daily.
  6. Alpha-lipoic Acid: Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that works to protect brain and nerve tissue. Look to get 600 mg/day.
  7. Vitamin D: I can’t say enough about the importance of Vitamin D, and that’s why I devote five pages to it in Grain Brain. To learn more, watch my video on the subject. It’s ideal to start with 5,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily, get tested after three months, and adjust accordingly.
As with any dietary/health changes, these are suggested guidelines only, and you should consult with your physician before making any changes to, or beginning, a supplement plan.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Image Credit: Getty Images
Brominated Vegetable Oil (aka BVO)'s main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous chemical that is considered both corrosive and toxic. It's been linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss, which explains why it's been nixed in more than 100 countries.
Health Hazards: “Because it competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, elevated levels of the stuff may lead to thyroid issues, such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease & cancer,”
Why the U.S. Allows It: BVO acts as an emulsifier, preventing the flavoring from separating and floating to the surface of beverages, Calton says.Also found in: Citrus-flavored sodas

I have always opted for a natural safer alternative whenever any of our family members play sports or are sick with conditions that deplete electrolytes such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea.

Compare For Yourself
Can You Be At Optimal Performance While Hydrating 
with Vegetable Oil & Corn Syrup?

Did you know????
Gatorade™ is made by Quaker Oats, PepsiCo (not exactly a health oriented company) and does not utilize natural ingredients to restore the body back to its normal electrolyte balance. Gatorade adds corn syrup, brominated oil and artificial colors and flavors.        

Gatorade Ingredient List
• 110 mg sodium
• 30 potassium
• 14 g carbs
• 14 g sugar (from corn syrup)
• Costs more per ounce
Gatorade™ Contains undesirable
ingredients such as:
• High Fructose Corn Syrup
• Glycol Ester of Wood Rosin
• Vegetable Oil
• Artificial Red # 40 and Yellow #6
• Artificial Flavors

VS A Natural Alternative called Performance 
Performance™ is a natural electrolyte replacement beverage developed by Shaklee Health Corporation (the # 1 natural nutrition company in the U.S.) designed to mimic and restore the body’s natural electrolyte balance. 
Clinical test with high-level athletes show Shaklee Performance: 1) Minimized fluid loss for enhanced hydration 2) Increased Performance for better athletic performance

Peroformance Ingredient List
• 130 mg sodium
• 50 mg potassium                                                               
• 25 g carbs                                              
• 11 g sugar (from fruit)
• Costs less money per ounce
Performance™ Sports Drinks are
All Natural and contain:
• NO High Fructose Corn Syrup
• NO Artificial Flavors
• NO Vegetable Oils
• NO Refined Sugars
• NO Artificial Colors  
           Cost is about $12 for 19 servings. Or Ask about theTeam Size for an additional discount. 

To Order with the 15% discount call me (Michele) at LifeQuest Health 714-536-6555 
or e-mail orders to:
 Alternatively you can pay retail and order from

Tested by The Shaklee Pure Performance Team 
An elite squad of Shaklee-fueled, world-class athletes specially chosen from a variety of highly competitive sports by 2008 Beijing Games pentathlete, Eli Bremer. The team has won more than 110 Olympic Medals...and counting! Learn more about how Shaklee nutrition has helped achieve stunning performances visit the Pure Performance Team Website below:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Alkaline Foods To Keep You Healthier

Almost all foods that we eat, after being digested, absorbed, and metabolised, release either an acid or an alkaline base (bicarbonate) into blood. 

Grains, fish, meat, poultry, shellfish, cheese, milk, and salt all produce acid. The mass consumption of these foods have caused our bodies to become overly acidic, which strips it of minerals. 

Over the long haul, those who do not balance their diet with alkaline foods (vegetables and fruits, primarily) become prone to weak bones, joints and muscles, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and a host of other health problems. In other words, long-term health and longevity have everything to do with acid-alkaline balance.

Consider the Inuit (a.k.a., Eskimos), who do not have access to many fruits and vegetables. Their diets consist largely of seal meat, fish and whale blubber. While they eat few grains, their diet is nevertheless highly acidic. Though a sturdy bunch, with healthy hearts, their bones start breaking down prematurely. Indeed, the Inuit people have the worst longevity statistics in North America.

In contrast is Okinawa, where more people live to 100 years of age, longer than anywhere in the world. While meat, rice, soy and seafood (highly acidic foods) are squarely in the diet, so are a vast range of different vegetables and fruits, rich in anti-oxidants, as well as minerals that counteract acidity. A wealth of fascinating anthropologic and scientific evidence exists that supports the acid-alkaline theory of health and longevity; there is much information to research this further.

The typical American diet is similar to that of the Inuit in that there is entirely too much meat and not enough alkaline vegetables to balance it. Factory farms in the US manufacture meat and animal products in unhealthy ways, leaving them loaded with toxins and inflammatory compounds. Furthermore, charring meat adds flavor, as well as cancer-causing substances.

To make matters worse, the acidity of the American diet is compounded by all the starches and sweets consumed. Many of these processed foods can be as acidic as meat, chicken, fish and seafood (colas are even more acidic), but are not nearly as full of nutrients. Acidic foods are also generally lacking in fiber, which helps control blood sugar and improves bowel health. The friendly bacteria in the gut need fiber to function. Without them, not only does the digestive system suffer, but also the immune defenses.

The problem is not so much any particular food, but rather the cumulative effect of a highly acidic diet over many decades that eats away at our health.

So, where does that leave us? What can we do to reduce the impact of an acidic diet? For one, reduce the serving sizes of the acidic foods, while increasing the amount of greens and other alkaline veggies during a meal. This markedly reduces the total number of calories consumed, while reducing the acid impact. Learning about what foods are highly acidic or alkaline can help one balance the diet better.

Here are a few suggestions that can help you add more alkaline foods to your diet;

Have a big salad at least once a day using green leafy vegetables (especially collard or mustard greens, endive and kale) and add sprouts, broccoli, parsley, asparagus and peppers. Grind black pepper on everything savory. Squeeze lemon or lime juice on fish, salads or in your beverage. Munch on pumpkin seeds or add them to salads. Use sea salt (Celtic, French or Himalayan preferred) rather than regular table salt. Use Apple cider vinegar rather than Balsamic vinegar. Drink ginger tea instead of coffee. If you like radishes, eat them like candy. If you want something sweet, eat cantaloupe, tangerines, mandarins and assorted berries. Let vegetable juices be your summer thirst quencher. Quell a hunger with celery smeared with nut butter. Smear half of an avocado on toast, rather than margarine.

Green leafy vegetables and the foods mentioned above can make a major difference in the balance of things and protect the bones, joints, muscles, heart, brain, liver and kidneys. Alkaline bodies are also much more resistant to infection and cancer.

As far as diets go, these are not boring foods by any means. Indeed, there is a great variety to choose from, and hundreds of simple recipes to play with. In addition, many other healthy and tasty foods are alkaline forming, though not with the same impact as the foods listed above. There are also alkaline mineral supplements, such as the citrates of potassium, magnesium and calcium, which can have profound effects on health and well-being.Source:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Toss Those Harmful Dryer Sheets

Did you realize that while you’re trying to make your family’s clothes snuggly-soft and static-free you may be doing more harm than good?

We have all smelled the chemical fragrances wafting from people's dryer vents when we go out on a walk,  but never really thought of the chemical cocktail that goes into making fabric softeners we use for our children's sheets, towels and clothing.  Many commercial dryer sheets are loaded with chemicals and fragrances that can be absorbed into the skin and have nasty side effects. Some of the chemicals are even listed on the Environmental Protection Agency’s Hazardous Waste list! And those chemicals are being absorbed into your skin and into your bloodstream.
You won’t find a list of ‘ingredients’ on the package of most dryer sheets; but, according to, here are some chemicals that have been found in dryer sheets and mainstream fabric softeners that can cause nervous system disorders and respiratory problems:
  •  Benzyl acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer
  •  Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant 
  • Ethanol: On the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Hazardous Waste list and can cause central nervous system disorders 
  • Limonene: Known carcinogen 
  • A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system damage 
  • Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA Hazardous Waste list 
  • Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders 
  • Chloroform: Neurotoxic, anesthetic and carcinogenic 
  • Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders 
  • Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled 
The safer alternative I have used for the last 15 years for my family is
They are completely safe and non-toxic. They out perform many traditional laundry products and are better for the environment because they are recyclable and veggie-based. They’re biodegradable and can be split in two for fair and just distribution of soft, static-free goodness to every, last humble pillowcase. If you love your fragrance, Shaklee also provides a chemical-free natural fragrance liquid Fabric Softener!
I absolutely LOVE the NON-TOXIC Dryer Sheets, Liquid Fabric Softener & Chemical-Free Whitener.
 I feel good about what I'm doing for my family!

Clean CredentialsNontoxicNatural,No fragranceBiodegradable sheetsRecyclable sheets
Softens clothes and helps prevent wrinkles.
Effectively reduces static cling.
Uses vegetable-derived softening agents.
Safe with all washable fabrics.
Get your nontoxic laundry products here:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Organic Basic H Uses

I absolutely LOVE my Basic H!  This one little bottle of organic cleaning concentrate works for so many things! Check out the list below so you can stop buying the stuff that costs more to do the same job! This is where the real savings comes in!                        

PHOSPHATE-FREE           NON-POLLUTING      100%  BIODEGRADABLE                                                                                                                                              

Non-Toxic      Non-Irritating      Non-Volatile   Non-Magnetic   Not a Soap   Not a Detergent 
General Cleaning:  Use ½ teaspoon to quart of warm water. It cleans kitchen doors, woodwork, walls, ceilings, etc.

Appliances and Bathroom Fixtures: Use ¼ teaspoon to pint of water. It leaves refrigerators odor-free and sanitary. Great for bathroom tile!

Windows, Mirrors, All Glass: Use 1 – 2 drops in 16 oz spray bottle. Wipe dry with paper towel.

Dishes: Use ½ teaspoon in the dishpan. Fill dirty pans with water, add ½ teaspoon Basic-H2 and let stand to loosen stuck particles.

Automatic Dishwashers: Use Shaklee Dishwasher Concentrate.

Floors: Use 1 tablespoon to a gallon of cold water, wring mop and wipe up dirt. Leaves floor shining. To remove wax use a stronger solution of Basic H2 (1-1/2 tsp. to 16 oz. water.)

Dusting: Squeeze sponge out of solution of ¼ teaspoon to pint of water. With almost dry sponge, wipe off dust, fingerprints, candy spots, etc. Or use spray bottle and clean cloth. Everything disappears from furniture, leaving wax finish beautifully bright and non-magnetic, making it unnecessary to dust as often.

Fruits and Vegetables: Use ¼ teaspoon to pint of water. Wash and rinse. It removes residues of poisonous sprays and grime of handling in transportation. Also removes grit from leafy vegetables.

Woolens, Silks, Nylons, All Fin Fabrics: Use ½ teaspoon to basin of water. For spots, apply a drop or two directly on the spot and press in with thumb. Immerse garment in cold water solution of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, let stand a few minutes, then rinse by squeezing water through and laying out to dry.

Spot Remover: Apply Basic-H2 directly on spotted area. Use a toothbrush or finger to rub Basic-H2 into area. Wipe off with damp cloth or rinse in basin of water (Coffee, lipstick, ink, grass, etc).

Frying Vats: Use ½ cup to 3 gallons of water. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. It dissipates stubborn crusts without damage to vats.

Concrete and Mortar Mix: Use ½ oz. to a gallon of water. Makes cement and mortar spread easier and smoother, set harder.

Knives: Use a few drops on cutting stone for sharpening knives. Keep moist and add as needed. Doesn’t clog stone, which is very important in sharpening tools. Stone rinses free of residue.

Phonograph Records: Use same solution as for glass. Clean with soft, dry cloth. It leaves no residual magnetism.

Wallpaper: Excellent in removing wallpaper.

Aquariums: Use 1 teaspoon per quart of water. Clean coral, rocks, entire aquarium with Basic-H2 solution. Rinse thoroughly.

Diapers: Use ¼ teaspoon of Basic-H2 and 1 teaspoon of Basic-G to pail of water. It eliminates odors in the washroom when diapers must stand.

Fish Odors: Use ½ tablespoon per quart of water. Basic-H2 cleaning solutions work wonders around boats, docks and other “fishy” places.

Boat Algae: Use ½ tablespoon to gallon of water.

Spray Snow or Poster Paint on Windows: Remove it with ¼ teaspoon to quart of warm water.


Protecting Hands: Apply at full strength to hands for lasting protection as an industrial skin guard. It is great as invisible gloves before painting.

Cleaning Hands: Put a few drops in palm. Rub thoroughly over both hands and add a little water. Continue with usual washing action. Add a touch more water as needed and rinse. Removes tobacco stains, onion and garlic odors. Variation – mix ¼ Basic-H2 and ½ water in a 4 oz squeeze bottle.

Gum: Use full strength to remove gum from skin or carpeting.

Painting and Dyeing: Apply full strength to hands before painting or dyeing. Paint or dye will wash off easily. Be careful not to get Basic-H2 in eyes.

Shoe Cleaner: Use 1 drops on a wet cloth. It will not remove wax. Shine with dry cloth.


Washing: Use ½ tablespoon to gallon of water. Wash small area at a time, and hose off. Wiping dry is not necessary. Wipe windshield, windows and chrome with paper towels after rinsing. Bugs and road grime float away.

Engines: Use ½ oz to one gallon water to clean engine. It will not affect paint, gaskets or insulating material. Best results can be achieved when the engine is hot for fastest drying of the ignition system.

Battery Terminals: Use ¼ teaspoon to pint of water. Spray on battery terminals, let soak for 2 minutes and clean with wire brush. Use full strength Basic-h on battery terminals to avoid corrosion or galvanic action.

Automobile Radiator: Use ½ tablespoon to radiator full of water or anti-freeze. This prevents rust.


Air Filters: Use ¼ teaspoon to quart of warm water. Air filters are cleaned with excellent results, leaving them free of dirt, oil, or chemical residue.

Rose Bushes: Use ½ teaspoon to gallon of water. Spraying rose bushes will protect them from red spider and other diseases, and also fertilize them.

House Plants: Use a few drops in water. Water plants and they will flourish. Use to wipe down leaves also.

Green Lawns: Use 1 tablespoon to “ortho-type” bottle applicator full of water. This should let 2 gallons of water through applicator to spray on lawn like liquid fertilizer.

Outside Windows: Use ½ teaspoon to “ortho-type” bottle applicator full of water. This should let 2 gallons of water through applicator to spray on windows and screens.

Humidifiers: Use 1 or 2 drops in water to help prevent rust and scum.

Water Soluble Gum Tape: Use 2 to 3 drops in a 16 oz spray bottle, or tape dispenser with water tank.


Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Fill toilet tank dispenser with Basic-H2. Place in toilet tank. It will automatically release a measured amount of Basic-H2 when you flush, to keep toilet bowl clean for months.

Basic-G: Can also be used in toilet tank dispenser full strength or diluted. Basic-G cleans with biodegradable agents while it disinfects and is even veridical when used as directed. Basic-G will deodorize bathroom areas, garbage cans and other areas where bacterial growth can cause unpleasant odors. Basic-G is concentrated for economy.


Basic-H2 is the most economical cleaner you can buy. One quart makes 192 gallons of cleaning solution by following directions.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

More Before & After Pictures with Nontoxic Scour-Off

I LOVE my Scour Off! It replaces all kinds of chemical cleaners such as powdered cleansers, tub & tile cleaner, grout cleaner, oven cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner and so much more! It even takes rust off barbecues & bikes! or give me a call :714-536-6555

We didn't care for a cheap bottle of wine we were trying . I didn't realize how badly wine stains porcelain until I saw my sink after pouring the wine out!  

I love that it comes in a super-concentrated paste. My son was working on a school project with sharpies at our wood kitchen table and accidentally went off the poster board with black sharpie. I tried getting it off immediately with dish soap but the black streak remained...A little Scour Off  on my forefinger and a damp cloth to the rescue, totally gone!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Chemical Overhaul to Lower Cancer and Asthma Risks

What does it look like under your sink?

How many cleaning products do you have under your sink? 

There are products for just about every task and every surface in most households! 

Do you want to save time cleaning, save thousands of dollars and save space in your cabinets??

This is a photo from a recent, 
"Get Clean" 
Get Rid of Chemicals Overhaul!! 




Most of the products above were replaced with these four products (plus spray bottle set) 
(dish wash liquid and dishwasher powder non-toxic laundry products are also available). 

3. Basic G Germicide Disinfectant
(which doubles for use with the laundry, but is fabulous on 
porcelain sinks, grout, & toilet bowls!)

That's the power of Get Clean and the power of using one product for many jobs and multiple surfaces. And you won't have to sacrifice powerful cleaners because Shaklee's Get Clean products are AMAZING! They outperform or match 20 National brands that you are probably already using! I can't think of one objective of not Getting Clean in your own home... and don't say it's money because you can't tell me of a product that is less than a penny for window and mirror cleaner and less than 3 cents for all-purpose cleaner. I promise, Go Green and Get Clean and you will NEVER go back! I promise you will love them, completely fall in love with them!! or your money back!!

Can Household and Personal Care Products Really Affect Your Health?

Asthma, Digestive and Respiratory Issues, Eye and Skin Burns, Reproductive Issues, Headaches, Liver and Kidney Damage...

These are just a few harmful health effects that household and personal care products have on your health. Sorry, this is a long post, but so important. :) I was amazed and disgusted after seeing a list of the chemicals and health risks in products most people use everyday and sometimes several times a day. I was angry to see that some of these chemicals are even in baby detergent like Dreft, diaper rash cream, baby wash and lotion like Aveeno and Johnson's. I think it is sad that as mothers, we cannot trust the most popular brands or the "gentlest" of products or even "Pediatrician Recommended" brands. I am happy to see that parents are becoming more aware of the effects of these chemcials, especially on babies, and sharing with others. Please read product labels with caution. Make sure to read the ingredients and do your own research, companies can print words like these without strict regulations. These chemicals may have alternative names so I have listed the synonyms for the chemicals also. I'm not saying that if you use a product with these chemicals, it guaranteed that you will immediately have health problems, but why would you want to breathe or put these chemicals on your body at all?

Did you know ONE bottle of Shaklee Basic H Concentrate equals over 5,800 bottles of window & mirror cleaner?

Synonyms: 2-Aminoethanol, 2-Hydroxyethanamine, Ethanol, 2-amino-, Ethanolamine, MEA
Toxicity Information:

Inhalation has been reported to cause asthma, immediate allergic response, acute liver damage and chronic hepatitis, severe eye and skin burns. May be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through skin. Irritating to skin, eyes, respiratory system. Large doses produce sedation, coma, and death following depression of blood pressure and cardiac collapse.  

Chemical found in:

  • Tide Liquid Laundry and Tide Free Liquid Laundry
  • Dreft Liquid Laundry
  • Cheer Liquid Laundry
  • Ivory Snow Liquid Laundry
  • Gain Liquid Laundry
  • Dawn Power Dissolve
  • 409 Spray Degreaser
  • Easy Off Oven Cleaner
  • Damp Rid Mold & Mildew Control
  • Windex
  • Pledge
  • Spray n' Wash Stain Remover

Synonyms: Ascarite, Caustic Soda, Soda Lye
Toxicity Information:

Causes 75% of all caustic injury to the esophagus of kids under 5 years old. Can cause burns in tissues, chronic skin irriation, irriation to the respiratory tract, can cause liver and kidney damage. Inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact with material may cause severe injury or death. Instructions for first aid if inhaled is to move the person to fresh air, if they are not breathing administer artificial respiration. 

Chemical Found in:

Household Products:
  • Cascade Rinse Formula
  • 409 Degreaser
  • Clorox Clean Up Spray and some Cleaners
  • Soft Scrub Liquid Gel
  • Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner and some Cleaners
  • Comet Cleanser with Bleach
  • Soft Scrub
  • Easy Off Oven Cleaner
  • Palmolive Antibacterial Hand Soap
  • Woolite Liquid Wash
  • Tide Ultra Liquid
  • Shout Laundry Stain Remover
  • Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush
  • Arm & Hammer Detergent
  • Tilex
Personal Care Products:
  • Johnson's Baby Wash
  • Aveeno Naturals
  • Aveeno Baby Cream and some bath products
  • Old Spice Deodorant
  • Some Olay Total Effects, Regenerist, and Pro-x creams
  • Oil of Olay Body Washes
  • Jergins Skin Firming Moisturizing
  • Softsoap Hand Soap
  • Neutrogena Moisture for Sensitive Skin
  • Dove Ultra Moisturizing BodyWash
  • Method Foaming Hand Wash
  • Gilette Shave Gel
  • Pantene Shampoo

Now think of how many times the toxic chemicals from the dishwasher or laundry detergent are lingering through your home every time you do a load of dishes or laundry. How about when you use your Oil of Olay body wash in the shower, then you use your anti-wrinkle face cream, brush your teeth with Crest and then throughout the day you are putting on your Aveeno moisturizer. Oh, and don't forget that i'm sure you will do a little wiping down of the counters and maybe wash your hands a few times with Softsoap or Method hand wash. This is a lot of exposure to one chemical that your body experiences in one day and all of the things you put on your body are absorbed directly into your bloodstream. Stay tuned, these are only a few chemicals but I will be posting more.

Please note: These are only some of the products that may contain these chemicals. For more information on the products and toxicity, please visit the Toxicology Data Network or the Hazardous Substance Database at