Here are a couple recent testimonials of children's eczema that has been greatly improved by our Shaklee Natural Health Team.
Thank you Allison and Claudia for sharing your son's stories about eczema. I know it will help so many!
"I didn't have nut/egg allergy with my son but severe eczema, before Shaklee, I of course believed doctors with creams, steroids, antibiotics and when I finally found Shaklee earlier this year, I first bought the cleaning products. Saw improvement and started my 3 year old on Incredivites, mighty smarts, probiotic, and calming complex. I noticed a change right away when I first used the calming complex (no burning like with coconut oil or vaseline) and within 3 days, his bare to the bone skin was healed."~Allison, IL 2014
Since June i have changed so many things in my diet, Cadens diet, detergent,lotions and meds to get this Excema under control. So many sleepless nights and money spent on products that were not relieving my kids allergies/rashes. Heck i even have my own aloe extraction process of my own(so easy and does wonders to skin). Finally now i can say i have it under control with lots of trial and error, eliminating certain ingredients and including whole foods vs. Processed foods. Now my happy guys recovers much faster from an allergic reaction and doesn't need prescribed lotions. Jacob/Cadens skin looks and feels 10x better. Yes mommy will cheat once in a while but i realize its not worth it for them to stay up scratching all night and not letting us rest. Thank goodness for vitamins/Probiotics because they really are helping them. Thank you Rachel King Terracino for all your help and wonderful Shaklee Products. The first pictures where from June and the rest are now (Sept). Way better! Thanks to these changes mommy and daddy are in good health and rather have home cooked healthy meals than restaurant food.~ Claudia 2014
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