What does it look like under your sink?
How many cleaning products do you have under your sink?
There are products for just about every task and every surface in most households!
Do you want to save time cleaning, save thousands of dollars and save space in your cabinets??
This is a photo from a recent,
"Get Clean"
Get Rid of Chemicals Overhaul!!
Most of the products above were replaced with these four products (plus spray bottle set)
(dish wash liquid and dishwasher powder non-toxic laundry products are also available).
3. Basic G Germicide Disinfectant
(which doubles for use with the laundry, but is fabulous on
porcelain sinks, grout, & toilet bowls!)
That's the power of Get Clean and the power of using one product for many jobs and multiple surfaces. And you won't have to sacrifice powerful cleaners because Shaklee's Get Clean products are AMAZING! They outperform or match 20 National brands that you are probably already using! I can't think of one objective of not Getting Clean in your own home... and don't say it's money because you can't tell me of a product that is less than a penny for window and mirror cleaner and less than 3 cents for all-purpose cleaner. I promise, Go Green and Get Clean and you will NEVER go back! I promise you will love them, completely fall in love with them!! or your money back!!
Can Household and Personal Care Products Really Affect Your Health?
Asthma, Digestive and Respiratory Issues, Eye and Skin Burns, Reproductive Issues, Headaches, Liver and Kidney Damage...
These are just a few harmful health effects that household and personal care products have on your health. Sorry, this is a long post, but so important. :) I was amazed and disgusted after seeing a list of the chemicals and health risks in products most people use everyday and sometimes several times a day. I was angry to see that some of these chemicals are even in baby detergent like Dreft, diaper rash cream, baby wash and lotion like Aveeno and Johnson's. I think it is sad that as mothers, we cannot trust the most popular brands or the "gentlest" of products or even "Pediatrician Recommended" brands. I am happy to see that parents are becoming more aware of the effects of these chemcials, especially on babies, and sharing with others. Please read product labels with caution. Make sure to read the ingredients and do your own research, companies can print words like these without strict regulations. These chemicals may have alternative names so I have listed the synonyms for the chemicals also. I'm not saying that if you use a product with these chemicals, it guaranteed that you will immediately have health problems, but why would you want to breathe or put these chemicals on your body at all?
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Did you know ONE bottle of Shaklee Basic H Concentrate equals over 5,800 bottles of window & mirror cleaner? |
Synonyms: 2-Aminoethanol, 2-Hydroxyethanamine, Ethanol, 2-amino-, Ethanolamine, MEA
Toxicity Information:Synonyms: 2-Aminoethanol, 2-Hydroxyethanamine, Ethanol, 2-amino-, Ethanolamine, MEA
Inhalation has been reported to cause asthma, immediate allergic response, acute liver damage and chronic hepatitis, severe eye and skin burns. May be harmful if inhaled or absorbed through skin. Irritating to skin, eyes, respiratory system. Large doses produce sedation, coma, and death following depression of blood pressure and cardiac collapse.
Chemical found in:
- Tide Liquid Laundry and Tide Free Liquid Laundry
- Dreft Liquid Laundry
- Cheer Liquid Laundry
- Ivory Snow Liquid Laundry
- Gain Liquid Laundry
- Dawn Power Dissolve
- 409 Spray Degreaser
- Easy Off Oven Cleaner
- Damp Rid Mold & Mildew Control
- Windex
- Pledge
- Spray n' Wash Stain Remover
Synonyms: Ascarite, Caustic Soda, Soda Lye
Toxicity Information:Synonyms: Ascarite, Caustic Soda, Soda Lye
Causes 75% of all caustic injury to the esophagus of kids under 5 years old. Can cause burns in tissues, chronic skin irriation, irriation to the respiratory tract, can cause liver and kidney damage. Inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact with material may cause severe injury or death. Instructions for first aid if inhaled is to move the person to fresh air, if they are not breathing administer artificial respiration.
Chemical Found in:
Household Products:
- Cascade Rinse Formula
- 409 Degreaser
- Clorox Clean Up Spray and some Cleaners
- Soft Scrub Liquid Gel
- Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner and some Cleaners
- Comet Cleanser with Bleach
- Soft Scrub
- Easy Off Oven Cleaner
- Palmolive Antibacterial Hand Soap
- Woolite Liquid Wash
- Tide Ultra Liquid
- Shout Laundry Stain Remover
- Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush
- Arm & Hammer Detergent
- Tilex
- Johnson's Baby Wash
- Aveeno Naturals
- Aveeno Baby Cream and some bath products
- Old Spice Deodorant
- Some Olay Total Effects, Regenerist, and Pro-x creams
- Oil of Olay Body Washes
- Jergins Skin Firming Moisturizing
- Softsoap Hand Soap
- Neutrogena Moisture for Sensitive Skin
- Dove Ultra Moisturizing BodyWash
- Method Foaming Hand Wash
- Gilette Shave Gel
- Pantene Shampoo
Please note: These are only some of the products that may contain these chemicals. For more information on the products and toxicity, please visit the Toxicology Data Network or the Hazardous Substance Database at http://hpd.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/list?tbl=TblChemicals&alpha=A
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