Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quick Tips To Prevent Memory Loss

As National Mental Health Month comes to an end, I have some quick tips to keep our brains healthy and dramatically lower your risk for memory loss in the future.  We only get ONE BRAIN so be sure to take this seriously and add these brain-boosting tips to your lifestyle. These tips have been shown to improve oxygen and circulation to the brain, provide necessary nutrients the brain thrives on, increase immunity, and enhance energy! So let's get started:
They say it takes 21 days to make a habit. This weekly reminder is to help you be conscientious about adding little changes every day until they become a habit that will lead to more energy, lower stress and better immunity for you. You know how when you fly the stewardess tells you in case of low pressure to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then your child? I used to think "Oh no, I would put it on my child first!" then I realized IF I PASS OUT...who is going to hold the oxygen mask on my little one. He NEEDS ME to preserve myself so I can take care of him. So, for all you bless-ed childcare workers, practice these oxygen enhancing, energy-upping quick tips:

1) BREATHE in for the count of 8 seconds, (make sure your belly expands) 
   HOLD for 8 seconds, then exhale through your nose for 8 seconds

2) WALK or do ANY type of exercise today for 22 minutes each day this week (break it down to two 12 minute walks or exercise sessions if time doesn't permit all at once)
If you exercise 22 minutes each day this week you will reach 2 and 1/2 hours!  That is the recommended amount to strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, and bring more oxygen to every system of the body. A helpful reminder is to place a sticky note on your bathroom mirror that says "BREATHE". Then be mindful to do your 4 deep inhalations while your in the shower, doing your makeup or styling your hair...It's that easy!... Do that enough days in a row and it will become a very healthy habit!  
 Essential fatty acids (EFAs) cannot be made by the body and must be obtained through diet. The most effective omega-3 fats occur naturally in oily fish as EPA and DHA. Good sources include flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnut oil. They are good for healthy brain function, the heart, joints and general wellbeing.  The main sources of oily fish include salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and kippers. Low DHA levels have been linked to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and memory loss. 

4) EXERCISE YOUR BRAIN:  Start doing word searches, crossword puzzles and playing Sudoku. It s like "push-ups" for the brain.You can buy these brain teasers in the magazine racks at the store or visit a site like http://www.kappapuzzles.com/pages/sudokuonline.html 

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