Green exercise is simply any physical activity that you do out in nature! There is growing scientific evidence showing that our modern world is increasingly detached from nature–and that exercising in natural areas helps reduce the risk of mental illness and improves a sense of well-being.
Green exercise gets even greener when you leave your car at home and use your body to get yourself to work or to run your errands.
Since this month is Earth Month, it’s the perfect time to get out into nature and get moving! My favorite way to exercise has been to put on my running shoes and pound the pavement or running paths for 30 to 45 minutes at least three times per week. This has helped reduce my stress level and keep me fit.
Exercising in nature has these benefits:

Green exercise gets even greener when you leave your car at home and use your body to get yourself to work or to run your errands.
Since this month is Earth Month, it’s the perfect time to get out into nature and get moving! My favorite way to exercise has been to put on my running shoes and pound the pavement or running paths for 30 to 45 minutes at least three times per week. This has helped reduce my stress level and keep me fit.
Exercising in nature has these benefits:
- • Biking: Many cities have paths and lanes specific for bikes; this makes it safer to exercise or commute using your bike. Want motivation? Try calculating the amount of gas you are saving!
- • Outside: When you take your exercise on the road and get outdoors all sorts of great things happen. You meet your neighbors. You get a bit of sunshine (which increases your vitamin D). Then there are the little miracles that happen such as a seeing a hawk in flight or a shy fox in the woods. Even better, take your children to see the waterfall at the end of the nature hike at a nearby park, or to see the sunrise reflecting off of the water.
- • Healthy is as healthy does: Getting fit often means that you make better choices about your health and the environment. When you start eating more vegetables and fruit you realize that the best ones you can find are often at the local farmers’ market and buying local is great for the environment.
- • You lead and others will follow: When your neighbors see you out exercising, it reminds them that they too should get out and enjoy the world.
- • Try biking, running, or walking to work. If you live far away, try driving part of the way and using your body power for the rest of the way.
- • Volunteer to help build or maintain a trail.
- • Start or help out at a community garden.
- • Many areas of the country sponsor a cleanup (beach, trail, etc.) on Earth Day. Join them—and be sure to bring your kids or grandkids. Build a love for the outdoors and for helping preserve our environment.
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