Start Early to Stay Well this Winter |
In 1954 Dr. Kojima discovered interferon, and its crucial role in building your body's immune response. He then spent over 40 years dedicated to finding a way to naturally boost interferon production.
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Contributed by Shaklee Health Wise
Why is it that we have smartphones but still no cure for colds and flu? It’s because we’re dealing with smart viruses. Any one of dozens of viruses can infect you — and before you know it, you are coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. We only have immunity to those rhinoviruses that we’ve been infected with already— so our immune system needs to be able to optimally react to the various cold or flu germs that can, and will, come our way! And each year, the common flu virus is different from the previous year. Why? Because the influenza viruses are constantly morphing. So, let’s talk about strategies to help you and your family stay as healthy as possible this winter!
Talk to your doctor about immunizations. I encourage everyone to talk to their doctor about whether or not getting a flu vaccine and/or a pneumonia vaccine is a good idea—especially if you or a family member fall into those groups most at risk.Wash your hands frequently. This remains one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and your family from colds and flu. Use plain old soap and water. Lather, rinse, and repeat throughout the day—especially after you’ve touched door handles or been around anyone who is ill.
Eat a healthy diet, full of antioxidants and immune supporting nutrients. This means both avoiding the high fat, often fried, and usually unhealthy fast foods, and committing to eating at least FIVE servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day! I personally take 500 mg vitamin C daily through the cold and flu season—and double that if I am feeling run-down or have been around someone with a cold!
Get plenty of rest. Inadequate sleep negatively impacts your immune response. If you have school-age children, make it a priority for them to get at least nine hours of sleep each night. Moms and dads, you should strive for seven to eight hours yourself!
Try a natural approach. Scientific research has led to the discovery of a combination of plant extracts that naturally boost the body’s own production of interferon, a component of the immune system that helps fight off viruses. Other plant compounds found in elderberry and echinacea extracts can help too. Take these when you feel the first sign of something coming on, and continue taking them for about a week as needed.
- Washing hands is one way to keep your immune system strong.
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