It's been said that most overweight people have an average of five weight loss attempts each year. What do you think about getting it right the FIRST TIME this coming year??
Guaranteed to work, and get you in the healthiest shape you have been in for a long time! Learn more about it at
You see, after giving birth I never really felt good about myself. Others would say things like, “You look good for having had five children.” While I appreciated that, I really didn’t want to look good for having had five children, I wanted people to say, “Wow, I can’t even tell you have had children!” That’s what I wanted, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.
So what did I do? I started diet after diet, giving myself a couple of months, taking off a couple of pounds. Then I gave up. I never found that diet that I just really “clicked” with‑‑the one that worked for me and turned my life around. That is until I was chosen as one of 50 bloggers to take part in the Shaklee Cinch® 6-month challenge.
When I first found out I was chosen to take part in this challenge I did not have very high hopes for myself. You see, I have already been there, done that. I have already tried so many different diets, taking off a few pounds, giving up, and then putting the pounds back on. I wanted to make it different this time. I was excited though to have been chosen, but I really didn’t have the confidence that this was going to work.
Boy was I wrong! When I first started the challenge and I started seeing the pounds drop, I was so excited and so proud of myself! Since giving birth to my five children I was starting to feel good about my body. I knew I still had work to do, but I was starting to see results! I really must thank the other bloggers for their motivation and cheering, as they have all been instrumental in helping each other out. And Sommer, our mentor, is the best! (I have to throw that out there because she is always here for us when we need her and I swear she never sleeps!)
So where am I today? In 4½ months I am 25 pounds lighter*, have lost over 28 inches, and feel amazing! I am so much more confident and have so much energy!
The Shaklee Cinch diet has been more than a diet for me, it has truly changed my life.
*Results and experiences are unique for each person, so results may vary. In the preliminary 12-week clinical study, participants on average lost 15.4 lbs.
Friday, December 28, 2012
A Healthy Weight Loss Challenge and Success Story
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Why Calcium is Still Important
All I can say is what a relief!
As anyone who reads this blog must know, I have long been a believer in getting plenty of calcium and the reasons why are clear to anyone who follows the news. The numbers are staggering: more than 200 million people worldwide have osteoporosis (10 million of those in the United States).
But osteoporosis itself is not the primary problem; the real harm comes from broken bones. It has been estimated that women over 50 years old have a 50% chance of fracture some time in their lives because of osteoporosis. Even men are not immune; they have a 25% chance of fracture. That accounts for over 5,000 bone breaks every day, or two million breaks a year because of osteoporosis in the United States.
Broken bones lead to broken lives. Elderly who suffer fractures have less mobility, less independence, may become bedridden, experience depression, and may even shorten your life.
So you can imagine my concern when two recent studies suggested that taking calcium supplements might be associated with an increase risk of heart attack. Our need for adequate calcium is obvious, but if taking it could hurt our hearts, is it worth it?
I was happy to learn that a panel of academic and industry experts convened to see if they could clear up this question. The panel included experts in the fields of cardiology, nutrition, bone health, and epidemiology. The panel collected and examined the available body of scientific literature, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on calcium supplementation and the relationship to heart health. Here is what panelist Dr. Robert Heaney, MD of Creighton University School of Medicine had to say after their review:
“There is a strong body of evidence from a variety of rigorous scientific studies reinforcing the benefits of calcium in promoting bone growth and maintenance. After reviewing the entire scope of scientific literature for calcium, we are now more confident than ever in both its health benefits and safety.”
The panel of experts has confirmed what I have been suggesting for a long time: most adults need around 1,000 milligrams of calcium in their diet daily (more if they are pregnant, lactating, or more than 50 years old). In my opinion you can continue to take your calcium supplements with the confidence that you are doing the best thing for your body and bones.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Study reveals that Shaklee users have markedly better health
Landmark Study
Changing Brands can change your life
A landmark study—the first ever on a rare populationof long-term dietary supplement users—showed that
people who took Shaklee supplements had markedly
better health than both multivitamin and
non-supplement users.
(charts are not to scale)
Proven Superior Vitality*
Shaklee supplement users retained normal levels of:- Blood pressure*
- HDL cholesterol*
- Triglycerides*
- C-reactive protein*
- Homocysteine*
100% Shaklee Guarantee
Vitalizer is based on an unprecedented 12 Shakleeclinical studies that show the difference. We believe
that the quality we’ve put into it is the reason you can
actually feel the quality of life you get out. That’s why
it’s 100% guaranteed.
Clinical StuidesView the listing 12 Clinical Studies supporting Vitalizer.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Shaklee 180 – Take Your Shape in a Whole New Direction in 2013!
Transform Your Life in 2013!
“Before” | “After” | “Happily Ever After…After”
Better yet…find 3 Weight Loss Buddies and yours is FREE! Available for your new years resolution in a new YOU in January 2013.
Shaklee recently announced that they are Re-Branding their entire Shaklee Cinch Product Line with a New Look and Product Enhancements. January 1st the company will launch Shaklee 180.
If you are ready to do a complete turn-around in your health (and your waist line) this is for you!
It’s Time to Get off the Yo Yo Diet Routine!
Take your Weight Loss in a Whole NEW Direction with Shaklee 180!Shaklee 180 includes Leucine which is an essential amino acid that triggers the body to hold on to muscle so you lose Fat and NOT Muscle.
Shaklee has invested 6 Million Dollars in Re-Branding Shaklee Cinch to the New and Improved Shaklee 180 products, designed to help us lose weight and most importantly to keep it off.
Shaklee 180 revolves around 90 days to lose your weight. 90 days to learn to keep your weight off for good! Most weight loss programs have a before and after, but Shaklee 180 is the only plan that helps keep the weight off. They are so sure of it they have a BEFORE | AFTER | and Happily Ever After,after!
Shaklee 180 includes: A Shaklee 180 Specialist to come share at your next gathering, plus:
- a daily plan of action
- prizes and incentives
- support and accountability people
- motivation
- tools and training of what to eat/not eat
- apps
- and more
Shaklee 180 Program includes
- Free Shaklee Membership.
- Free Expedited Shipping of first months product
- Ability to customize flavors.
- Free products when you share with Three other people.
Your Shaklee 180 Specialist~Michele 714-536-6555
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Eat to Defeat Inflammation
Fish and walnuts. Salmon and tuna are great sources of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids, as are walnuts. These foods help offset the pro-inflammatory effects of omega-6 fatty acids, which are pervasive in our diet. Omega-6 fats are found in eggs, corn, soy, and safflower oils.
Olive oil. Studies suggest consuming a Mediterranean-style diet—a diet high in plant foods and olive oil—helps decrease joint tenderness in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Red wine and dark chocolate. Resveratrol, a phytonutrient found in red wine, has been shown to inhibit inflammation, while the consumption of dark chocolate, something I do almost daily, has been linked to lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a biomarker of inflammation in the body.
Turmeric. Spice up your life. Turmeric, also known as curry, is a traditional spice of Indian cuisine. In a recent pilot study, supplemental turmeric helped reduce joint tenderness and swelling in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
Tart cherries. It’s cherry season and according to the latest research, tart cherries may have the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food. In a recent study, women with osteoarthritis who drank tart cherry juice twice a day for several weeks experienced a significant reduction in important markers of inflammation.
Eating to fight inflammation could be one of the best things you do for yourself. For your next meal, how about some salmon curry and a glass of red wine, followed by some tart cherries covered in dark chocolate for dessert?
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Top Ten Healthiest Vegetables List
This healthiest vegetables list can help you get healthier, lose weight and fight disease. How do we know? Tons of research says so.
Just pick out 5 or 6 a day from our list of the healthiest vegetables below eat up!
Important people, from Mom to the top scientists in the world, keep telling us to eat more vegetables. But the vast majority aren't getting even 2 healthy vegetables a day, much less the highly recommended 5 or 6.
The Top Ten Healthiest Vegetables List
Whereas most vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrition, these top 10 healthiest vegetables are a lot better than others. So start adding at least five choices a day from this list of the healthiest vegetables.
1. Cruciferous Vegetables are filled with anti-aging, cancer fighting, immune boosting phytonutrients, plus vitamins C and K, potassium, calcium, iron and folic acid. The cruciferous list of healthiest vegetables below are most nutritious eaten raw, lightly steamed or stir-fried.
2. Carrots help protect against cancer and improve eyesight with super high levels of carotenoids and vitamin A. They're also a good source of vitamins B, C and K, fiber (when raw), potassium, magnesium and folate. Grate them into salads or eat baby raw carrots as a snack.
3. Dark green leafy vegetables can be lightly steamed or used in healthy soups, chilies, casseroles and stir-fries or eaten raw in salads and on sandwiches. The leafy vegetables below are high in iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, carotenoids and B, C, E and K.
4. Tomatoes are very high in lycopene carotenoids and vitamin C and are good on sandwiches, as raw snacks and in salads, soups and pasta sauce.
5. Beans and Peas are much higher in protein than other vegetables. And whether they're dried (lentils), canned (kidney beans), lightly steamed (soybeans), or eaten raw (peas), beans also contain fiber, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Beans can be added to soups, salads, pasta sauce, chili or eaten on their own. The healthy list includes:
6. Asparagus is a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C, K and B complex – especially B6 and folic acid. At just 4 calories a stalk, lightly steamed asparagus helps reduce weight, inflammation and depression.
7. Allium foods, like garlic and onions, are best known for their natural antibiotic properties and can help boost immunity, reduce inflammation and fight infection. The allium foods below are healthiest easten raw in salads or healthy dips, but are also great for flavoring many cooked dishes.
8. Sweet potatoes and yams are very rich in carotenoids, vitamins A, B6, C, potassium, iron and fiber and are delicious when baked and eaten plain (without butter) or used in soups, casseroles or stir-fries. And sweet potatoes add delicious flavor when grated raw and used in salads.
9. Bell Peppers are great sources of potassium, manganese, fiber and vitamins A, B, C and K and can be sweet flavorful additions to salads and healthy stir-fries. Choose from the following rainbow of colors:
10. Summer and winter squash are rich in carotenoids, vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium and fiber. Squash can be added to healthy casseroles, soups, stir-fries and many other dishes or served alone.
You can enjoy most of them raw in salads or as a snack, lightly steamed as a side or main dish and added to soups or stir-fries. But however you do it, it's vitally important that you lean to love the healthiest vegetables
Just pick out 5 or 6 a day from our list of the healthiest vegetables below eat up!
Important people, from Mom to the top scientists in the world, keep telling us to eat more vegetables. But the vast majority aren't getting even 2 healthy vegetables a day, much less the highly recommended 5 or 6.
The Top Ten Healthiest Vegetables List
Whereas most vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrition, these top 10 healthiest vegetables are a lot better than others. So start adding at least five choices a day from this list of the healthiest vegetables.
- Broccoli,
- Cauliflower,
- Brussels sprouts,
- Green and red cabbage.
- Kale,
- Spinach,
- Swiss chard,
- Collard greens,
- The herb parsley,
- Red and green lettuce,
- Mustard and turnip greens.
- Peas,
- Lentils,
- Soybeans,
- Lima beans,
- Kidney beans,
- Garbanzo beans,
- And other legumes.
- Leeks,
- Onions,
- Shallots,
- Scallions,
- And garlic.
- Green peppers,
- Yellow peppers,
- Orange peppers,
- And red peppers.
You can enjoy most of them raw in salads or as a snack, lightly steamed as a side or main dish and added to soups or stir-fries. But however you do it, it's vitally important that you lean to love the healthiest vegetables
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In the United States, breast cancer affects 230,000 women each year. Approximately 20% of women diagnosed with breast cancer die from the disease. Over the course of a woman’s life, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Risk factors for breast cancer include:
- Family History – You may have a higher risk of breast cancer if you have a close relative who had breast, uterine, ovarian, or colon cancer.
- Lifetime estrogen exposure – Includes estrogen taken orally and produced in the body.
- Alcohol consumption – Drinking more than 1-2 drinks per day may increase your risk for breast cancer.
- Childbirth – Women who have never had children or who have children after the age of 30 have an increase risk for breast cancer.
- High meat and dairy intake – Eating a diet high in animal products early in life causes increased production of estrogen during the course of a lifetime.
Vitamin D and breast cancer
Research has shown vitamin D blocks the growth of breast cancer tumor cells. The active form of vitamin D, calcitriol persuades cells to commit apoptosis, or cell death. Calcitriol has also been shown to limit blood supply to the breast tumor.
A recent study in Belgium reported that high vitamin D levels at the time of diagnosis was significantly associated with increased overall survival. The researchers also found that low vitamin D status was associated with larger tumor size.
A groundbreaking randomized control trial demonstrated how 1,100 IU vitamin D3/day plus calcium reduced the risk of developing all-cancer risk by 77% in post-menopausal women.
The rate of breast cancer appears to decrease by 30% when vitamin D serum levels are greater than 40 ng/mL compared to levels below 20 ng/mL.
How can you help?
Make sure you encourage women in your life to stay up to date with their mammograms, especially if they have family history of breast cancer. Also, remember men can develop breast cancer as well, make sure they check for abnormalities as well. Prevention of all types of cancer involves eating a well balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol intake.
Encourage friends and family to participate is breast cancer awareness events which often raise funds for breast cancer treatment research. Based on the research, we suggest supplementing with 5,000 IU vitamin D/day on days you do not get adequate sun exposure.
~Contributed by The Vitamin D Council
Further Reading:
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Start Early to Stay Well this Winter
Start Early to Stay Well this Winter |
In 1954 Dr. Kojima discovered interferon, and its crucial role in building your body's immune response. He then spent over 40 years dedicated to finding a way to naturally boost interferon production.
For Informitive Interferon video click below or copy and paste in your browser: Call to get your Nutriferon at 25% off! LifeQuest Health 714-536-6555
Contributed by Shaklee Health Wise
Why is it that we have smartphones but still no cure for colds and flu? It’s because we’re dealing with smart viruses. Any one of dozens of viruses can infect you — and before you know it, you are coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. We only have immunity to those rhinoviruses that we’ve been infected with already— so our immune system needs to be able to optimally react to the various cold or flu germs that can, and will, come our way! And each year, the common flu virus is different from the previous year. Why? Because the influenza viruses are constantly morphing. So, let’s talk about strategies to help you and your family stay as healthy as possible this winter!
Talk to your doctor about immunizations. I encourage everyone to talk to their doctor about whether or not getting a flu vaccine and/or a pneumonia vaccine is a good idea—especially if you or a family member fall into those groups most at risk.Wash your hands frequently. This remains one of the most effective ways to protect yourself and your family from colds and flu. Use plain old soap and water. Lather, rinse, and repeat throughout the day—especially after you’ve touched door handles or been around anyone who is ill.
Eat a healthy diet, full of antioxidants and immune supporting nutrients. This means both avoiding the high fat, often fried, and usually unhealthy fast foods, and committing to eating at least FIVE servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day! I personally take 500 mg vitamin C daily through the cold and flu season—and double that if I am feeling run-down or have been around someone with a cold!
Get plenty of rest. Inadequate sleep negatively impacts your immune response. If you have school-age children, make it a priority for them to get at least nine hours of sleep each night. Moms and dads, you should strive for seven to eight hours yourself!
Try a natural approach. Scientific research has led to the discovery of a combination of plant extracts that naturally boost the body’s own production of interferon, a component of the immune system that helps fight off viruses. Other plant compounds found in elderberry and echinacea extracts can help too. Take these when you feel the first sign of something coming on, and continue taking them for about a week as needed.
- Washing hands is one way to keep your immune system strong.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Healthy Weight Loss is a Cinch®
Posted: 25 Sep 2012 10:29 AM PDT
Shaklee Health Wise
Have you seen the Cinch® Transformation Stories? Contestants from across the country entered to win $10,000 at our 2012 Global Conference in Las Vegas. Congratulations to Edgar Ortiz for winning the grand prize! However, all of the contestants are winners for dropping the extra pounds and becoming healthier!
We’ve also started a new Cinch Transformation Challenge! From now until Oct. 31, you can enter for a chance to win $10,000. Get started here!
Maybe you’re thinking your story could be next, and you believe you can do it. I bet you are excited!
Then, maybe, reality hits you. You realize it isn’t always fun to drink a Cinch® Meal Shake while your family enjoys pancakes on Saturday morning. Or, maybe, getting up early to squeeze in some exercise while everyone else sleeps in is tougher than you thought.
And, it’s so tempting to enjoy the birthday cake passed around at the office. You don’t want to be antisocial, after all.
Your commitment to getting healthy isn’t always going to be fun or easy. It is a choice, and one that you make each day, and with each meal.
The results, however, are worth it if you can see the commitment through!
Entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
The point is you have to get to the point where you make your new Cinch® lifestyle a HABIT, not a HOBBY.
Below are commitments that you can make over the next 30 days to really follow through on your Cinch transformation:
1. To make a habit stick, try repeating it 16-21 times. Even better, repeat it every day for 30 days.
2. Consistently stick with your choice to lose weight with Cinch.
3. Write down what you eat daily in a journal.
4. Replace two meals a day with Cinch.
5. Commit to walking a mile a day, on average.
So, what could you get out of all of this? How about feeling better, being healthier, saving money, having boundless amounts of energy, and a slimmer waistline!
Develop good habits these next 30 days. They will be the foundation for your personal, long-term healthy transformation.
Here’s to good habits!
Your Cinch® Transformation: Make It A HABIT, Not A HOBBY
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Have you seen the Cinch® Transformation Stories? Contestants from across the country entered to win $10,000 at our 2012 Global Conference in Las Vegas. Congratulations to Edgar Ortiz for winning the grand prize! However, all of the contestants are winners for dropping the extra pounds and becoming healthier!
We’ve also started a new Cinch Transformation Challenge! From now until Oct. 31, you can enter for a chance to win $10,000. Get started here!
Maybe you’re thinking your story could be next, and you believe you can do it. I bet you are excited!
Then, maybe, reality hits you. You realize it isn’t always fun to drink a Cinch® Meal Shake while your family enjoys pancakes on Saturday morning. Or, maybe, getting up early to squeeze in some exercise while everyone else sleeps in is tougher than you thought.
And, it’s so tempting to enjoy the birthday cake passed around at the office. You don’t want to be antisocial, after all.
Your commitment to getting healthy isn’t always going to be fun or easy. It is a choice, and one that you make each day, and with each meal.
The results, however, are worth it if you can see the commitment through!
Entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
The point is you have to get to the point where you make your new Cinch® lifestyle a HABIT, not a HOBBY.
Below are commitments that you can make over the next 30 days to really follow through on your Cinch transformation:
1. To make a habit stick, try repeating it 16-21 times. Even better, repeat it every day for 30 days.
2. Consistently stick with your choice to lose weight with Cinch.
3. Write down what you eat daily in a journal.
4. Replace two meals a day with Cinch.
5. Commit to walking a mile a day, on average.
So, what could you get out of all of this? How about feeling better, being healthier, saving money, having boundless amounts of energy, and a slimmer waistline!
Develop good habits these next 30 days. They will be the foundation for your personal, long-term healthy transformation.
Here’s to good habits!
Your Cinch® Transformation: Make It A HABIT, Not A HOBBY
Monday, September 24, 2012
Immune System Builder
-Testimonial from Shawn-
-Shawn –
Just wanted to share my most recent testimonial. I felt that I had already been so blessed since I started using Shaklee’s Essential Foundation. My carpal tunnel has been pain and symptom free since I started on the products in Dec of 2004.
Little did I know how truly blessed I am and that I would be given such a wonderful gift once again. I started on the Nutriferon in October of 2005. I was just basically taking it to rebuild my immune system, not realizing what it was actually doing for me.
I had been taking Synthroid for my thyroid for 20 years. A small tablet once a day that I had resigned myself to the fact that I would be taking it for the rest of my life. In January of this year I started having trouble with my Synthroid dosage and kept having to go into the clinic for blood draws.
Each time that I went in, my Synthroid dosage was dropped. I would take the new dose for about 3 weeks and then the trouble would start again. The doctor, nurses and lab techs were baffled. None of them could figure out what was going on. I stopped taking my Synthroid on Feb 15th because I felt it was making me sick.
I started feeling better almost immediately after stopping the meds. I went for another blood draw on Feb 20th, got my results on Feb 24th. My thyroid is at at normal range and I was told that I no longer needed to take my Synthroid. I have been ecstatic ever since. Who would have ever guessed that I would be prescription-free after 20 years. My doctor and the nursing staff want more info on the Nutriferon and the lab tech is one of our pilot program evaluators!! Thank you Shaklee, thank you so very much!!
Contact Us For More Information.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Getting healthy...One step at a time
Posted by Dr. Jamie McManus on Sep 11, 2012 in Natural Nutrition
As a physician, I have always been more focused on the prevention of disease rather than just waiting until treatment is necessary. Over the past 30 years or so, we have learned so much about what we need to do to prevent the most devastating, chronic diseases facing our society today. Our diets and our lifestyles have become less healthy and less active—with the result being a continuing increase in the prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer in the past 10 years. So I am here to provide you with the relevant information you need to get inspired into action! No matter whether you are healthy or fighting health challenges, today is the day to learn how to support your health and put those changes into action! Changes you make today will impact your health. You are more in control than you may know. There are thousands of studies that support the idea that weight management, good nutrition, supplementation, and an active lifestyle will positively impact your health.
I encourage you to watch this video to learn more.
Posted by Dr. Jamie McManus on Sep 11, 2012 in Natural Nutrition
As a physician, I have always been more focused on the prevention of disease rather than just waiting until treatment is necessary. Over the past 30 years or so, we have learned so much about what we need to do to prevent the most devastating, chronic diseases facing our society today. Our diets and our lifestyles have become less healthy and less active—with the result being a continuing increase in the prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer in the past 10 years. So I am here to provide you with the relevant information you need to get inspired into action! No matter whether you are healthy or fighting health challenges, today is the day to learn how to support your health and put those changes into action! Changes you make today will impact your health. You are more in control than you may know. There are thousands of studies that support the idea that weight management, good nutrition, supplementation, and an active lifestyle will positively impact your health.
I encourage you to watch this video to learn more.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
The Hidden Dangers of Belly Fat
The Hidden Dangers of Belly Fat
I have personally lost several of inches of belly fat the by doing using the Cinch Inch Loss Plan.
It is absolutely an amazing and healthful way to burn fat and hold on to muscle so your metabolism stays strong (preventing yo-yo dieting). Learn more at my web site:
![]() | Having a wide girth, a beer belly, or an apple-shaped figure may mean you have large amounts of deep-hidden belly fat around your internal organs. This fat, also known as visceral fat, may in fact be the most dangerous fat you can have. It has been linked to high cholesterol, high insulin, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and other health problems. The more belly fat you have, the higher your risk is for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some types of cancer, or for having a stroke. |
There's also new research indicating that having an apple-shaped figure may actually be more deadly. A new study appearing in the Nov. 12 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine reported some very disturbing news. Researchers followed about 360,000 Europeans who participated in one of the largest and longest health studies in the world. They found that people with the most belly fat had about double the risk of dying prematurely compared with people with the least amount of belly fat. Men and women with the largest waist circumference (more than 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women) had roughly double the risk of premature death as men and women with the smallest waist circumference (less than 34 inches for men and 28 for women). And with every 2-inch increase in waist circumference, there was an associated increase in mortality—17% in men and 13% in women. What makes belly fat so dangerous? Well, it seems to be the type of fat that goes straight to the liver to be metabolized into cholesterol. LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood and contributes to the development of arterial plaque and narrowing of the arteries. Visceral fat also produces more inflammation in the body than fat found in other areas of the body. And inflammation is thought to play a key role in heart disease and a host of other chronic diseases. New research also suggests that the body's production of adiponectin, a hormone secreted by fat cells, decreases as we gain belly fat. This reduction in adiponectin production has been found to promote insulin resistance, a risk factor for metabolic syndrome and a potential precursor to type-2 diabetes. And finally, studies have shown that belly fat cells produce more fibrinogen and plasminogen, two chemicals in the body that promote blood clotting. Visceral fat also produces more angiotensin, a hormone that causes blood vessels to constrict. Here again lies the connection between too much belly fat and an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. So if you or someone you know is carrying excess weight around the abdomen, losing that belly fat is one of the most important things they can do to stay healthy for life. |
It is absolutely an amazing and healthful way to burn fat and hold on to muscle so your metabolism stays strong (preventing yo-yo dieting). Learn more at my web site:
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Vitamin D deficiency common in critically ill children
Vitamin D news
Study: D deficiency common in critically ill children
06 August 2012
Dr Dayre McNally, MD, PhD, of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa, and colleagues used data from 2005 to 2008 from 6 different pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) in Canada.
The researchers analyzed data from 326 critically ill children up to the age of 17. They found that 69% of patients were vitamin D deficient. Deficiency was associated with increased length of stay in the PICU (P=.03) and increased severity of illness (P=.005).
The second study conducted by Dr Kate Madden, MD, of Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, and colleagues examined 511 critically ill patients (median age 5.3 years) admitted to the PICU from November 2009 to November 2010.
The researchers found that 40.1% of patients were vitamin D deficient (<20 ng/mL). After adjusting for confounding variables, deficiency was associated with increased illness severity on the day of admission (P < .0001).
Both studies support similar findings in research with critically ill adults.
McNally calls for further research to determine whether supplementation will improve critically ill children’s outcome, while Madden concludes,
“Given the roles of vitamin D in bone development and immunity, we recommend screening of those critically ill children with risk factors for vitamin D deficiency and implementation of effective repletion strategies.”
Prevention is the best key. The most comprehensive children's chewable vitamin on the market is called Shaklee INCREDIVITES. Packed with 600 IU of vitamin D3 and 23 essential nutrients for healthy development, they truly are incredible! To date, they are the only supplement to contain lactoferrin which is found in breast milk and has been shown to support healthy immune systems in kids.
They are available at:
To find out if you are deficient in Vitamin D take the Vitamin D Quiz below:
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Many health experts recommend ALL ADULTS TAKE A MULTIVITAMIN,
If your waking up without a spring in your step, or feeling that "afternoon sluggish feeling", try the simple step of taking a Shaklee Multivitamin and B-Complex.~Guaranteed to make you look and feel better!
The more you know about a multivitamin, the more you will want to take one by a company named Shaklee. Shaklee knows their science when it comes to making the world's best Multivitamin. Dr. Shaklee pioneered the world's first multivitamin back in 1915! He made it all natural, from plants back then and it is still made that way today.
Once you try Shaklee's B-complex, you will have noticeably increased energy, more patience, a better ability to cope with stress. Guaranteed.
Once you try Shaklee's B-complex, you will have noticeably increased energy, more patience, a better ability to cope with stress. Guaranteed.
You may wonder, "What makes Shaklee so special, can't I just take vitamins from the store"?
Quite simply put...NO. There is a difference between synthetic vitamins and whole food vitamins and you will feel it. I don't know of any other company that is so confident about their vitamin formulation and absorb-ability, that they just KNOW you will feel better... or your money back! How's that for a guarantee? See why below:
Quite simply put...NO. There is a difference between synthetic vitamins and whole food vitamins and you will feel it. I don't know of any other company that is so confident about their vitamin formulation and absorb-ability, that they just KNOW you will feel better... or your money back! How's that for a guarantee? See why below:
Government Surveys show people are not getting the nutrients they need each day
People are deficient in vitamins, minerals, trace micronutrients and live plant enzymes due to:
1. Poor food choices during a rushed lifestyle.
2. Over-farmed land yielding lower nutrients in crops.
3. Vitamins and minerals are lost each day after picking fruits and vegetables. This includes prep and transport time on the truck, and days on store shelves before they get into your home.
4. Cooking vegetables decreases nutrient content.
Did You Know Not All Vitamins are Created Equal?
1. A good quality vitamin is made from whole foods and is more beneficial than a synthetic vitamin because it contains live enzymes from the plants as well as micro nutrients not found in synthetic vitamins.
2. Most vitamins in stores are synthetic. A good way to test yours is look at the Vitamin E, if it says "as dl-alpha-tocopheryl" in the ingredients list it is SYNTHETIC.
3. Some vitamins do not get absorbed because they contain synthetic binders and fillers. They actually go in one end and out the other. Talk about a waste of money.
4. A good way to test yours is to drop it in a glass of water. If it completely dissolves within 20 minutes, it is able to break down to be absorbed in your body. (referred to as the pharmaceutical dissolution test)
Shaklee has a multivitamin supported by seven clinical studies showing it's effectiveness to:
1. Promote energy, health and vitality.
2. Support long-term heart, colon, and eye health.
3. Boost immunity and produce and maintain healthy new cells.
4. Provide protection against free radical damage to cells.
5. Provide 23 vitamins and critical minerals as well as 800 IU of vitamin D3 for immunity.
This month you can save $14.00 off Retail price if you order Shaklee's Multivitamin and B-Complex together. Only $38.55 for a two month supply! (Retail $52.60)
![]() |
This is a label from a synthetic vitamin-Centrum |
In a side-by-side comparison Shaklee's whole food organic multivitamin contained quite a bit more nutrients than synthetic Centrum and One a Day Maximum
10xs more Biotin (Biotin is known for it's energy benefits & promoting healthy hair, skin and nails)
10xs more Biotin (Biotin is known for it's energy benefits & promoting healthy hair, skin and nails)
2 xs more Vitamin E (Supports immune function, cellular health, heart, lung and colon health)
3 xs more Vitamin K (Supports bone metabolism and blood coagulation)
2 xs more Magnesium (Helps retain normal blood pressure and heartbeat, and supports muscle)
6 xs more Boron (Aids in the metabolism of crucial minerals involved in bone development)
NEVER any artificial, flavors, sweeteners, colors, preservatives, binders or fillers
* E-mail us your “feeling better” testimonial, we will pay ½ your shipping on your next order!
Call or e-mail me to place an order. Michele Pickens 714.536.6555
Shaklee's Cinch Weight Loss Really Works!
Here is another testimonial of how to lose fat and inches with Cinch
I’m 34 years old and, for the past 20 years, I’ve been trying to lose weight—yes, this means since I was 14 years old. Sad but true. I’ve always heard people say I was “big boned” because of my height (5-foot-11), but really my bones aren’t big; I have always just been overweight. I shouldn’t say “always” because the fact of the matter is I’ve been a very successful yo-yo dieter. I could lose 10 pounds or even 60 pounds with national programs, over-the-counter programs, and fad diets, but each time I lost the weight I’d gain it back and then some. I never understood that I was losing weight the unhealthy way by losing my muscle, which I need to burn calories and have a healthy metabolism.
When I started as a consultant for the Shaklee Corporation in July 2011 and saw pictures of myself with Roger Barnett, I was ashamed. I had really let myself go. I needed to make a real change in my life. Everything happens for a reason, and part of what I’m doing now is to introduce women in the blogosphere to the Cinch® product line. Except how could I do this if I was not having success with the program—or even using the program—and if I could not tell my peers firsthand about the product line?
In September 2011 I began using Cinch on my own to see if I could really lose inches and weight. I followed the program, I ate healthier, I worked out for the first time ever, and over the course of 10 months I’ve had tremendous success. I’m healthier than I’ve ever been in my life, and this time I’ve done it the right way with the number one natural nutritional company in the U.S.! I’m down 40 pounds and 29 inches* and the hills that used to cause me to stop and breathe deeply I can now run up—maybe even twice! I feel better, and my BMI is now in the normal range. My complete transformation story can be found here.
Like I said, everything happens for a reason. Years ago when I watched Roger and Sloan tell the story about their son having asthma on The Oprah Winfrey Show, it was meant to be. I switched my household to green and safe cleaners and never looked back. I had a true Get Clean® testimonial to give, and thus my Shaklee business took off. I took a different career path that led me to full-time blogging, social media consulting, and public speaking, and I authored a children’s book. But today, I’m back with Shaklee in a different capacity and healthier than I’ve ever been. I do not believe it is a coincidence.
In a clinical study of the Cinch® Inch Loss Plan, participants on average lost 15.4 pounds and 6.6 inches over 12 weeks. Sommer is a Shaklee Distributor.
Sommer Poquette’s Cinch® Transformation Story
I’m 34 years old and, for the past 20 years, I’ve been trying to lose weight—yes, this means since I was 14 years old. Sad but true. I’ve always heard people say I was “big boned” because of my height (5-foot-11), but really my bones aren’t big; I have always just been overweight. I shouldn’t say “always” because the fact of the matter is I’ve been a very successful yo-yo dieter. I could lose 10 pounds or even 60 pounds with national programs, over-the-counter programs, and fad diets, but each time I lost the weight I’d gain it back and then some. I never understood that I was losing weight the unhealthy way by losing my muscle, which I need to burn calories and have a healthy metabolism.
When I started as a consultant for the Shaklee Corporation in July 2011 and saw pictures of myself with Roger Barnett, I was ashamed. I had really let myself go. I needed to make a real change in my life. Everything happens for a reason, and part of what I’m doing now is to introduce women in the blogosphere to the Cinch® product line. Except how could I do this if I was not having success with the program—or even using the program—and if I could not tell my peers firsthand about the product line?
In September 2011 I began using Cinch on my own to see if I could really lose inches and weight. I followed the program, I ate healthier, I worked out for the first time ever, and over the course of 10 months I’ve had tremendous success. I’m healthier than I’ve ever been in my life, and this time I’ve done it the right way with the number one natural nutritional company in the U.S.! I’m down 40 pounds and 29 inches* and the hills that used to cause me to stop and breathe deeply I can now run up—maybe even twice! I feel better, and my BMI is now in the normal range. My complete transformation story can be found here.
Like I said, everything happens for a reason. Years ago when I watched Roger and Sloan tell the story about their son having asthma on The Oprah Winfrey Show, it was meant to be. I switched my household to green and safe cleaners and never looked back. I had a true Get Clean® testimonial to give, and thus my Shaklee business took off. I took a different career path that led me to full-time blogging, social media consulting, and public speaking, and I authored a children’s book. But today, I’m back with Shaklee in a different capacity and healthier than I’ve ever been. I do not believe it is a coincidence.
In a clinical study of the Cinch® Inch Loss Plan, participants on average lost 15.4 pounds and 6.6 inches over 12 weeks. Sommer is a Shaklee Distributor.
Sommer Poquette’s Cinch® Transformation Story
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
2012 Health Breakthroughs That Could Change Your Life
News From The World Of Medicine
A computer to diagnose and treat cancer? This incredible invention and more are in the works: We rounded up the latest medical advances and emerging breakthroughs in science and technology.
1. Japan: Clever Use of Bad Breath
July/August 2012 — Nippon Dental University researchers found that dental pulp—soft tissue inside teeth that’s removed during root canals—has up to 80 times as many stem cells as previously thought. Even better, hydrogen sulfide, the chemical that causes the rotten-egg smell in bad breath, helps them develop into liver stem cells. Scientists hope that extracted wisdom teeth (or baby teeth saved from childhood) might be used to heal livers damaged from cirrhosis and the hepatitis C virus.
2. United States: IBM’s Watson to Treat Cancer
July/August 2012 —The Watson computer that famously won on Jeopardy last year will work with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to diagnose and treat cancer. Watson is ingesting massive amounts of information from textbooks, articles, and decades of patient cases. Once the computer finishes training, doctors can ask it a question in plain English and get a quick, relevant answer (Watson can scan one million books in less than three seconds). Doctors will test the system for lung, breast, and prostate cancers by the end of this year.
3. Germany: Help for Ringing Ears
July/August 2012 —A new device might help fix tinnitus by treating the brain. In people with tinnitus, brain cells fire in bizarrely hyperactive rhythms, fooling the mind into thinking it hears a loud noise. The iPod-sized device has the user listen to a sequence of quiet tones to stop abnormal rhythms; it reduced tinnitus in 75 percent of patients in early tests. Its developer, Adaptive Neuromodulation, is finding partners to launch it here.
4. Australia: Eyeglasses to Prevent Drowsy Driving
June 2012 —New driving glasses contain sensors embedded in the frame to measure how often eyelids blink and how much they droop between blinks. Sensors translate this into a “drowsiness score” shown on the dashboard and deliver an auditory warning when scores exceed safe limits. Designed for commercial drivers, the glasses may be available for regular drivers within the next two years.
5. Singapore: A “Crab Robot” for Stomach Cancer
June 2012 —Researchers have developed a robotic system to remove tumors quickly and without scarring. Rather than cut through the abdomen, it uses a camera mounted on a flexible tube to guide instruments through the mouth and to the surgical site. The robot’s “crab legs” have a pincer to grab cancerous tissue and a hook to slice it off. The idea was born during a seafood dinner, when a surgeon pointed out that crabs, with strong yet efficient pincers, would make excellent stand-ins for surgeons. In operations on five test patients, surgeries that typically took up to eight hours were performed in an average of just 18 minutes.
6. Canada: Germ-and-Bedbug Room Bomb
June 2012 —Researchers on the Queen’s University campus hope to prevent hospital infections with a “room bomb” spray that combines ozone and hydrogen peroxide vapor to kill bacteria, sterilizing a room in about an hour. Researchers are confident the spray also destroys viruses, mold, and even bedbugs. A filtering process removes the chemicals from the air, leaving it safe to breathe. The spray could be used on cruise ships and in bedbug-infested hotels.
7. United States: A Blood Sugar Tattoo
May 2012 — Diabetics, put away the bandages: A new technique for checking blood sugar could make finger pricks a thing of the past. Chemists from Northeastern University have developed a method for injecting tiny fluorescent sensors under the skin that detect glucose in the blood. Take a picture of the freckle-size temporary tattoo with a special attachment that fits over your smart phone’s camera lens, and a computer program then analyzes the photo and reports your blood sugar number. The tattoo method is still undergoing tests; it could be available in three years.
8. United Kingdom: Smart Pills
May 2012 — By the end of the year, a British pharmacy will begin embedding tiny sensors into some drug tablets to help doctors keep tabs on patients’ medication habits. The “smart pills,” developed by U.S. company Proteus Biomedical, send the name of the drug and the time you took it to a patch worn on the body that relays that data, along with information like pulse and sleep patterns, to a smart phone.
9. Denmark: Sponges for Soldiers
May 2012 — A specially coated flexible sponge could solve a deadly problem for soldiers wounded on the battlefield: uncontrolled bleeding. Researchers at MIT sprayed a type of sponge commonly used in hospitals with a combination of chemicals and clotting proteins naturally found in blood. In tests conducted by Ferrosan Medical Devices in Denmark, the small sponges completely stopped bleeding in animals within 60 seconds. Researchers hope to have the devices approved for use within a few years.
1. Japan: Clever Use of Bad Breath
July/August 2012 — Nippon Dental University researchers found that dental pulp—soft tissue inside teeth that’s removed during root canals—has up to 80 times as many stem cells as previously thought. Even better, hydrogen sulfide, the chemical that causes the rotten-egg smell in bad breath, helps them develop into liver stem cells. Scientists hope that extracted wisdom teeth (or baby teeth saved from childhood) might be used to heal livers damaged from cirrhosis and the hepatitis C virus.
2. United States: IBM’s Watson to Treat Cancer
July/August 2012 —The Watson computer that famously won on Jeopardy last year will work with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to diagnose and treat cancer. Watson is ingesting massive amounts of information from textbooks, articles, and decades of patient cases. Once the computer finishes training, doctors can ask it a question in plain English and get a quick, relevant answer (Watson can scan one million books in less than three seconds). Doctors will test the system for lung, breast, and prostate cancers by the end of this year.
3. Germany: Help for Ringing Ears
July/August 2012 —A new device might help fix tinnitus by treating the brain. In people with tinnitus, brain cells fire in bizarrely hyperactive rhythms, fooling the mind into thinking it hears a loud noise. The iPod-sized device has the user listen to a sequence of quiet tones to stop abnormal rhythms; it reduced tinnitus in 75 percent of patients in early tests. Its developer, Adaptive Neuromodulation, is finding partners to launch it here.
4. Australia: Eyeglasses to Prevent Drowsy Driving
June 2012 —New driving glasses contain sensors embedded in the frame to measure how often eyelids blink and how much they droop between blinks. Sensors translate this into a “drowsiness score” shown on the dashboard and deliver an auditory warning when scores exceed safe limits. Designed for commercial drivers, the glasses may be available for regular drivers within the next two years.
5. Singapore: A “Crab Robot” for Stomach Cancer
June 2012 —Researchers have developed a robotic system to remove tumors quickly and without scarring. Rather than cut through the abdomen, it uses a camera mounted on a flexible tube to guide instruments through the mouth and to the surgical site. The robot’s “crab legs” have a pincer to grab cancerous tissue and a hook to slice it off. The idea was born during a seafood dinner, when a surgeon pointed out that crabs, with strong yet efficient pincers, would make excellent stand-ins for surgeons. In operations on five test patients, surgeries that typically took up to eight hours were performed in an average of just 18 minutes.
6. Canada: Germ-and-Bedbug Room Bomb
June 2012 —Researchers on the Queen’s University campus hope to prevent hospital infections with a “room bomb” spray that combines ozone and hydrogen peroxide vapor to kill bacteria, sterilizing a room in about an hour. Researchers are confident the spray also destroys viruses, mold, and even bedbugs. A filtering process removes the chemicals from the air, leaving it safe to breathe. The spray could be used on cruise ships and in bedbug-infested hotels.
7. United States: A Blood Sugar Tattoo
May 2012 — Diabetics, put away the bandages: A new technique for checking blood sugar could make finger pricks a thing of the past. Chemists from Northeastern University have developed a method for injecting tiny fluorescent sensors under the skin that detect glucose in the blood. Take a picture of the freckle-size temporary tattoo with a special attachment that fits over your smart phone’s camera lens, and a computer program then analyzes the photo and reports your blood sugar number. The tattoo method is still undergoing tests; it could be available in three years.
8. United Kingdom: Smart Pills
May 2012 — By the end of the year, a British pharmacy will begin embedding tiny sensors into some drug tablets to help doctors keep tabs on patients’ medication habits. The “smart pills,” developed by U.S. company Proteus Biomedical, send the name of the drug and the time you took it to a patch worn on the body that relays that data, along with information like pulse and sleep patterns, to a smart phone.
9. Denmark: Sponges for Soldiers
May 2012 — A specially coated flexible sponge could solve a deadly problem for soldiers wounded on the battlefield: uncontrolled bleeding. Researchers at MIT sprayed a type of sponge commonly used in hospitals with a combination of chemicals and clotting proteins naturally found in blood. In tests conducted by Ferrosan Medical Devices in Denmark, the small sponges completely stopped bleeding in animals within 60 seconds. Researchers hope to have the devices approved for use within a few years.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Poisonous Detergent Pods vs. Non-toxic Cleaning
I am so appreciative there are safer choices out there, such as Get Clean Non-toxic laundry liquid!"Warning! Don’t Eat The Poisonous Detergent Pods!" By Judy Molland
"Have you seen those new detergent pods?
They are small, brightly colored, and children have been eating them because of their bite-size shape, and candy-like colors. Very appealing to kids.
As a result, childhood poisonings from these new detergent packets have soared in recent weeks, with the total climbing to more than 1,200 this week from about 200 in late May.
The detergent packets were introduced by various companies over the winter as a convenience that can be easily dropped into a washing machine. This is puzzling to me. Do you find it especially difficult to pour liquid in a cup, and then into your washing machine?
The New York Times reports that health authorities have been concerned since late March, when poison control centers around the country noted a small number of reports from parents whose children had opened and swallowed the brightly colored laundry detergent products.
Poison control centers first starting putting out alerts about two to three months ago, not long after the products were introduced in the United States. By late May, the number of reported cases had reached 200 to 250 nationwide, prompting widespread news media attention and an announcement from Tide, which makes one of the most popular forms of the products, that the company would change its packaging to make the packets more difficult for children to tamper with.
Still, poison control centers say they continue to see more and more cases. This week, the California Poison Control System announced that at least nine small children in that state were taken to emergency rooms between Saturday and Tuesday after exposure to the packets, bringing the state’s total number of cases to at least 91. Six of the latest cases in California involved Tide Pods. Two were linked to Purex Ultra Packs, and one involved All Mighty Paks.
So far this year, there have been at least 1,210 cases reported to poison control centers in the U.S. Thankfully, no child has died, but at least 11 children have been placed on ventilators, and 10 have been intubated.
And the solution?
WE think it might be time to turn to laundry & cleaning products that aren't poisonous at all!
Our family has been using non-toxic, plant-based, concentrated, & biodegradable cleaners for almost 50 years so we may be a little biased here indeed, but we've had more than 1 grandchild, and more than 1 pet, ingest a Shaklee cleaning product over the years. And you know what? We've never had to call 911 or worry at all. And our laundry is just as clean as can be too!
Our Shaklee journey started with 1 little Shaklee "Basic H" bottle, is it time for your story?
Friday, June 29, 2012
Three Ways I Add Nutrition to My Kids’ Meals
Thanks Laura for contributing! I just love the idea of using part Shaklee Soy Protein instead of using all flour in recipes. Much butter for blood sugars too!
In general, I keep a supply of Shaklee Cinch® Snack Bars on hand for when my children need a low-calorie, high-protein snack. Of course, each of my children favors a different flavor, so we keep a Snack Bar Assortment Pack in our pantry at home.
My go-to strategies for creating nutritious meals for my children:
1. Use soy protein whenever possible. We always bake with Shaklee Instant Soy Protein. As a rule of thumb, we substitute about 1/3 soy protein for every cup of flour that a recipe calls for. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of flour, we’ll change it to 2/3 cup of unbleached or wheat flour plus 1/3 cup of soy protein. And a favorite kitchen activity we can all do together is to make Shaklee protein snacks. Add a cup of soy protein to 1/3 cup peanut butter and ¼ cup of honey. Mix the ingredients together like dough and then roll into balls or snakes. Any shape will do. Cover with coconut or nuts and refrigerate until hard. My kids love these for dessert or as an afternoon snack!
2. Sneak veggies in everywhere. Either celery with peanut butter or baby carrots make a great snack. Soups are another great meal to pile with veggies, such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, or celery. For example, I like to cook carrots or celery in a stock pot and then puree in a food processor. This not only thickens the soup base, but my kids never even know the veggies are in there!
3. The more fresh fruit, the healthier. At home, we call fruit “nature’s candy.” Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, bananas, and apples are always on hand in our kitchen. The berries are easy to grab by the handful, and we often bag a variety of berries and other cut-up fruit to take on the go. Another specialty in the Evans household is to replace sugary jams or jellies in a traditional peanut butter and jelly sandwich with fresh fruit. We put berries or even bananas in the sandwich and smush them into the peanut butter.
Probably the most important thing is getting my children involved in deciding what to eat and being creative with meals. The more they are involved, the more likely they are to make healthier food choices when I’m not around—and that makes me a happy parent!
Contributed by Laura Evans
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