“Aren’t all vitamins the same? Why can’t I just get the cheap ones? Don’t they all do the same thing?”
These are very good questions and ones that we frequently hear, so I put together this chart to show you the difference in vitamins that you may be purchasing.
The 3 Types of Vitamins:
Test Tube or Synthetic (Usual drug store, Costco or discount store vitamins) –made in a test tube in a lab, to resemble the real thing. This is toxic to the body and does not contain the micro-nutrients found in the real food. Can do more harm than good.
**Imagine a Plastic Lemon from the store with juice in it. This type is the Plastic lemon with NO juice. That is basically what you are eating if you take these.
- No live enzymes from plants
- Man-made
- Inorganic substances
- Stimulant
- Side effects
- Can actually be more harmful to your health to take

**This is the Plastic Lemon with juice. IF you can get past the plastic coating,
there is a little bit of real stuff in there. However, the juice has been heated so it’s not really like getting it from a fresh lemon.
there is a little bit of real stuff in there. However, the juice has been heated so it’s not really like getting it from a fresh lemon.
- Weak enzymes
- Uses chemical solvents and heat extraction
- Organic substances (low quality raw materials)
- Stimulant
- Imbalanced
- Harsh binder and fillers
Undigested vitamins containing binders and fillers that don't allow them to break down and become
"bio-available" for the cells

**This is the REAL lemon…unaltered and fresh. What’s inside is alive and natural.
- Strong enzymatic action
- Balanced blend of nutrients found it the whole food
- Low heat, low pressure process to protect the vitamins and live enzymes
- Made from whole organic foods
- Feeds and improves cell’s health
- Contains essential unknown nutrients found in the live plants
- No binders, fillers or chemical solvents
- 100% bio-available to the cells
**X brands need only 10% natural ingredients to legally be classified as “All-Natural.” Shaklee food supplements are 100% natural! See specials on Shaklee's multivitamin below.
Save $14.00 off retail price if you order Shaklee's Multivitamin & B-Complex together!
Only $38.55 for a two month supply! (Retail $52.60) Offer good until 6/30
June Health Tip
Many Health Experts Recommend All Adults Take a Multivitamin
Do you NEED your morning caffeine
to function?
Do you experience an afternoon sluggish feeling?” Try the
health tip below:
Take a Shaklee Multivitamin
and B-Complex in the morning and another with your lunch and. YOU WILL FEEL
You may wonder, "What
makes Shaklee so special, can't I just take vitamins from the
store"? Quite simply put...NO. There is a difference between
synthetic vitamins and whole food vitamins and you will feel it. I
don't know of any other company that is so confident about their vitamin formula
and absorb-ability, that they just KNOW you will feel
better... or your money back! How's that for a guarantee?
Government Surveys show
people are not getting the nutrients they need each day due
to poor food choices during a rushed lifestyle. In addition, over-farmed land yields
crops with less vitamins. Long storage and trucking times, as well as heat preparation further contribute to less nutrients in our food.
Did You Know Not All Vitamins are Created Equal?
. Most vitamins in stores are synthetic. A good way to test
yours is look at the Vitamin E, if it says "as dl-alpha-tocopherol"
in the ingredients list it is SYNTHETIC.
Some vitamins do not get absorbed because they contain synthetic
binders and fillers. They actually go in one end and out the
other. Talk about a waste of money!
A good way to test yours is to drop it in a glass of water. If it
completely dissolves within 20 minutes, it is able to break down to be absorbed
in your body.
(this test is known as the
pharmaceutical dissolution test)
Shaklee has a multivitamin supported by seven
clinical studies showing it's effectiveness to:
1. Promote energy, health and vitality.
2. Support long-term
heart, colon, and eye health.
3. Boost immunity and
produce and maintain healthy new cells.
4. Provide protection
against free radical damage to cells.
5. Provide 23 vitamins
and critical minerals plus 800 IU of vitamin D3 for immunity.
Michele Pickens from LifeQuest
Call to order 714.536.6555
or e-mail me at lifequesthealth@aol.com